I would say Kieron Sullivan was a compulsive gambler. since he is cared more about gambling away the money, rather than mak,ing sure there was food for the family.
What is a compulsive gambler?
A compulsive, or pathological, gambler is someone who is unable to resist his or her impulses. This can lead to severe consequences. The urge to gamble becomes so great that tension can only be relieved by gambling more and more.
Kieron Sullivan had gambling problems throughout our relationship, and it became totally "out of control" after he was medically discharged from the Army.
He loved playing the Pokies at the Townsville RSL.
He spent a lot of money there!!!
In 2015/6 while we were overseas, he gambled away all our savings.
He kept this hidden from me, and I was not aware that we were penniless until he left Mexico on 17 December 2016, to be admitted to Toowong Private Hospital, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
He had attempted to take his own life by playing Russian roulette with a pistol he had smuggled from U.S.A to Mexico.
So, I made the decision to send him back to get the help he obviously needed.
Because we were broke, I had no choice but to stay in Mexico with the children.
We couldn't afford flights for the entire family, and we certainly wouldn't have anuy housing when we arrived back to Australia.
TOTAL AUD$11,900